Sunday, May 16, 2010

Messing with Texas

I am currently sitting in a Barnes & Noble (for the second time today) using the free internet in Amarillo, TX. My Texas experience began yesterday around 6pm, well actually 7pm because I passed into a new time zone on my way into Texas. As I transitioned from New Mexico to Texas the land got flatter and perhaps more boring, as well as being a place I've never ventured in a car before. So I guess now marks the point at which this trip becomes something of "the unknown". Texas is certainly a strange land that I won't be sad to leave behind, but in all fairness everyone I've come into contact today has been very nice. I did, however, just overhear the following conversation:
B&N employee #1 (holding up a book): "Is this a picture of Obama and Gandhi?"
B&N employee #2: "no, that's Obama and the Dali Lama"

Well anyways today has been a good day for regrouping myself and my brain. So far this trip hasn't been too bad because I've managed to split up the drive into 4-6 hour days, so I don't get too exhausted or bored. The landscape is a little boring though, so I'll be glad when I get farther northeast. Today I did a little bit of wandering around Amarillo, spent some time in Barnes & Noble earlier today when I wrote my NM blog post, made a visit to Target (Wal Mart is closer to my hotel at a Wal Mart in Texas? Are you kidding me?! Please.), then went back to my hotel and discovered that it would cost me $3 to do one load of laundry in the hotel's laundry room so I proceeded to do laundry in the sink in my room for free. Then I gave myself a pedicure and did some old-fashioned correspondence (writing letters and preparing a few cards for special occasions to send along to family) and I have now returned to Barnes & Noble because it seems to be the only place with free wi-fi.

Tomorrow I head to Oklahoma City to hang out with some pretty awesome people for a few days and I'm very excited!!

I think I'll go find some dinner now. But I'll leave you all with a list of strange things I've seen in my short time in Texas:
-a bumper sticker that said "Keep your choices out of my wombs. -God"
-an entire aisle in Barnes & Noble of nothing but Bibles (everyday bibles, specialty bibles, children's bibles...)
-enormous hair
-perhaps more to come, we shall see...

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