So here it is, the last week of camp. How crazy! My neon outfit is packed and so is everything else for the camping trip tomorrow. Then a barbeque Friday, and thus ends my summer at Wells Rec! Friday night I'm having a rare and much anticipated girls' night with some friends, we're going to see the new movie Eat, Pray, Love - based on the book which I conveniently just finished reading! Speaking of reading, I'm still working my way through Kurt Vonnegut's "Slaughter House Five" which is proving to be just as weird as the rest of his books. Actually the only other one I've read by him was "Cat's Cradle" but that was definitely weird. I have a love-hate relationship with Vonnegut. His books are really awesome but I always seem to have a really hard time getting through them to the point of appreciation. Sigh. Oh well anyways as I was saying, Friday we're going to see Eat, Pray, Love which I'm very excited for! Then Saturday and Sunday will commence the birthday festivities to celebrate Zach and Jess' birthdays! Wooo! Next week will probably involve packing, planning, and seeing everyone one (or more) times before I leave. After that, I head up to Canada. My route and plans aren't final yet for that part yet, I'm still working on that. I've also got a list of things to do before I leave Maine. For my own purposes, I will put that list here so I can refer to it during the next 2 weeks and make sure I get them all done:
-80s lipsync to "Footloose" while camping in Acadia National Park
-see Eat, Pray, Love with all the lovely ladies of Wells, Maine
-eat a lobster
-go on a boat cruise with Meg and company
-master the art of surfing
-watch the sun rise over the ocean and, obviously, photograph it
-karaoke bar in Ogunquit
In other big news, and in the spirit of making me feel quite old, I just found out that my childhood best friend is engaged! So, congratulations to you Britta! We spent years of our childhood dreaming up our future husbands (one option being Leonardo DiCaprio) and she has been fortunate enough to find hers already! Mine's still out there, but I can't wait to meet him :-) In any case, I'm so happy for you Britta! Does this mean Leo DiCaprio's all mine??

And finally, the famous Michael Marsh (aka Mikey Gigz) has, after a long time of denial, accepted his inner hippie and joined the Peace Corps. He has just arrived in Uganda this week, and his sarcasm and ridiculosity will be greatly missed while he's gone! Bon Voyage, Michael!

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