That's a bit of my very limited French that I've gotten to use so far while in CANADA!!! Woohoo! A new country to check off my list of countries to go to :-) I said goodbye to Vermont and the awesome people who live there, and headed north! Crossing the border in my car was fairly quick and easy, I was just asked lots of questions. The woman asked me what I was doing in Canada (being a tourist of course!) where I came from (Maine) where I live (Colorado...I guess?) if I had any weapons in my car (nope) what was I doing in Maine (sitting on the beach...oh, and working at a camp) how long I'd be in Canada (um. Maybe...a few days? No more than a week?) when I'd be crossing back into the USA (uhhh what's today? Um maybe a week from today, no later than a week. I think...) And what border point I'd be crossing back over (hmm maybe Montana? Or maybe North Dakota..) I suppose the border guard lady must have thought I was an unprepared idiot but she let me through anyways :-) She might say unprepared, I say spontaneous...hopefully! Anyways, yes, I have somewhat of a plan. I'm staying in a hostel here in Montreal tonight and tomorrow night, then I will be stayingat various KOA kampgrounds across Ontario -which is, as it turns out, pretty huge! Then I will stay somewhere in Winnipeg...probably a hotel. Then I will cross back into the US, probably through North Dakota. Then make my way southwest until I find myself surrounded by those gorgeous rocky mountains again!!! YAY!
So here I am in Canada. It's been a while since I've been so surrounded by a language other than English. It seems that French is the primary language of everywhere in the province of Quebec, including Montreal, so it's already been an adventure figuring things out using the little French I know. I mean sure pretty much everyone here also speaks English but they'll think more of me if I try to speak French....? Hard to say. Anyways, I suppose as I travel farther west the Canadians will speak more English and less French.
Today has been my day of driving, border-crossing, getting only slightly lost (which is better than I was hoping for!), and wandering around the neighborhood where my hostel is located. For some reason I can hardly keep my eyes open right now as I type so I think it will be an early night going to bed. But tomorrow I plan to explore Montreal a bit and see what I can find! My hostel is pretty nice, and the girls in my room are great. One is German, one is Australian, and I'm not sure where the third is from because I haven't heard her speak yet (staying in hostels helps me perfect my accent-detection skills).
So I think it's time for bed. Hope you all are doing well! If you are in the Boulder area...I'll see you soon! If you're somewhere else...I miss you already!
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