If you haven't heard yet, I had to say goodbye to my car Baxter last week. He made it as far as Ontario, Canada before he couldn't go any further. Fortunately I was able to make it to a mechanic just outside of Ottowa who was extremely helpful and nice in my time of tragedy. There were too many things needing to be fixed to make Baxter drivable again, and I couldn't afford it so I made the decision to let my dear travel partner stay in Canada as his final resting place. He will be missed immensely.
Just like the last time I had car trouble (back in Pennsylvania) I got to witness that this world still does have truly, genuinely nice people. The Canadians were wonderful! While I was stopped on the side of the road I had two people stop and offer help, then the help I received from the people at the garage I took my car to went above and beyond their job description. The owner and his entire staff helped me make phone calls, try to find a new way to get home and even tried to help me find a new car to buy in Canada and figure out what the laws would be about getting it over the border. In the end my equally amazing friends in Maine rescued me by offering to come get me and bring me back to Maine so I could put myself back together and figure something out. After I decided that would be best, the owner of the garage offered to find me a hotel and drove me there. He also offered to take my car so I wouldn't have to have it towed anywhere and he said he'd give me $100 for it (a fair deal I think, as far as workable parts) but after he'd spent hours of his day helping me find a way home I said he could just take it for free. I don't even think that begins to be sufficient thanks to him and his staff. So here's my plug for them, as I feel it's completely necessary to advertise for him: If you are ever in Ontario, Canada and need someone to help with a car problem contact Phil Roy's Service Station! They are unbelievable people, especially Phil! Also thanks to my mom, Colin, Will, Kathy, Zach, Jess and Ben for your help in my predicament! Getting stranded and car-less in Canada was, of course, just the epic adventure that Baxter's final day deserved. What a story to tell, about the giving up of my first car to a Canadian mechanic in some small town in Ontario and then getting a ride back to Maine.
Speaking of being back in Maine, here I am once again with all my stuff minus a car. I've decided to take a train home for several reasons. First, it will still be somewhat of an epic adventure, taking a train across the country! Second, they allow up to six pieces of luggage with the first three being free and the next three being only $10 each! So I leave Maine again on Saturday, and I will arrive in Denver on Monday morning. In the meantime, it's great to have a couple more days to spend with all these amazing Maine people :-)
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