Here's a picture of me trying to learn how to jump onto my slackline last weekend.
So here we go...blogging on my own again without the guidelines and structure of the 30-day photo challenge! I feel a little better about writing regularly again. Maybe that photo challenge was just what I needed to get myself back into the habit. I do love blogging and I love all of you for reading it, even if only occasionally.
I am currently back on the job market, trying to find something full-time but temporary. I'm hoping to work a lot over the next few months in order to get the money I need to do some Europe traveling in the fall. Hopefully something will come along soon! I have an interview with the YMCA next week for an assistant director job for their summer teen camp program, so please send good vibes my way for that one so I can finally bring this job hunt to an end for the next few months!
The great news is spring is here and hopefully it's nothing but nice, warm, weather from now on! Rain is ok....we could definitely use it...but no more snow, PLEASE! And the fun and exciting adventures for this summer just keep piling up, so I can't wait! Here are a few of the things I'm so excited for:
-trip to Maine with Anthony for my friend's wedding and a little vacation at the end of May
-Boulder Creek Fest on the last weekend of May
-running in the Bolder Boulder on Memorial Day
-seeing Iron & Wine at the Bolder Theater on June 4
-my friends Jaz and Jose's wedding on June 10
-Anthony's birthday on June 25
-spending a week at Sonlight being their photographer from June 26-July 2
-the 4th of July...I'm sure I'll find something fun to do!
-Jess is coming to visit on July 7
-Avett Brothers concert on July 9 with Jess and Seanna
How will I find time for a job with all these exciting things going on? I'm not sure, but I know it will all work out! I'm so excited to be home in Boulder for the whole summer for the first time in five years! It's a beautiful place to be and I get to hang out with some beautiful people. We'll just see where life takes me after this summer. Hopefully somewhere awesome!
Sounds like an awesome summer to me!