Post a picture of someone you miss
I have many friends who live and are traveling all around the world, and I miss them all. But today I've decided to dedicate this last photo to my Grandpa, Frank. This is my very favorite photo of him and in fact, it is actually my very favorite photo in the world. I hope someday to possess the original. Anyways, my Grandpa was a truly amazing person and I'm so glad I got to know him for the first 13 years of my life before he passed away. He was funny, smart, adventurous, and an epic storyteller. Not only were his stories epic, but also the way he told them was epic! He grew up in Alaska and had great stories of the wildlife (animals as well as humans) landscape and the impact the place had on him as he was growing up.
When someone has been gone as long as my grandpa has been, you remember the little things about them that made them who they were. I remember how much he loved cookies, the smell of the tobacco he chewed, the creaking sound his rocking chair made in the kitchen, and every time we said goodbye he would say "see ya later alligator!" with which I, of course, replied "after a while, crocodile!" It would take a lifetime to tell my Grandpa's story and the things that made him awesome, but for now I offer this humble little tribute to Frank Holder, a man of epic greatness and someone I miss dearly.
I met your Aunt Margaret in High School and remember your Grandfather. What a wonderful photo!! I love your blog, too. I'm bookmarking it.