This afternoon I was sitting on a rock, at the beach, reading a book and an old man came jogging by me and said I looked like a postcard sitting there - well actually he said I looked like a 'post-cahd' in a perfect Maine accent- which of course made me look around and take in the setting in which I was sitting. He was right, it was pretty enough to be on a post card and I guess I fit into the scenery in my relaxed zoned-out state of reading and enjoying the beautiful Maine day. I guess I'd be crazy not to consider myself very lucky to have had that moment and to be where I am, doing what I'm doing! Money is tight right now while I wait for my camp job to start, so I've been finding as many free forms of entertainment as possible. My new favorite is to ride my bike to Moody Beach and back, then find a really good rock and sit on it and read for a while. Oh, and for those of you who have seen my bike, I am proud to say that thanks to Ben I now have a brand new seat on my bike and it is NOT held together by duct tape! So I've been riding my bike a lot lately, which is also a great way to save money on gas and Wells being fairly small, I can see a pretty good portion of the town on one afternoon's bike ride.
As if riding my bike along the beach and sitting on rocks in postcard scenery wasn't enough, I also start my job at camp next week and looking at my schedule I think it will be an entirely exhausting and amazing summer! The list of things I will be getting PAID to do include: rafting hiking, camping, canoeing, paintballing, go karting, rock climbing, kayaking, tubing and visiting places like Rangeley Lake, Kennebec River, the Appalachian Trail, Acadia National Park, Sebago Lake, and Bar Harbor! I'm still a little nervous about fitting in as the new person at camp but I am SO excited for all the adventures I'll get to go on! The program I am co-coordinating with three others are split into four 2-week sessions with about 25 kids per session, although I am told a lot of the kids do more than one session. The kids are going into 7th, 8th, and 9th grade so I'm expecting kids who think they're so cool but who are also easier to relate to and who I will hopefully enjoy spending time with!!
Another fun adventure I am getting ready for is a camping trip into Baxter State Park with Jess and Ben and their parents and a whole gang of other people. We leave Friday morning, drive 5 hours, camp that night, hike all day Saturday, return to camp, then leave Sunday and drive 5 hours back to Wells. It will be great to start seeing more of this awesome state and do some hiking on what I hope to be really great mountains (being from Colorado makes me a mountain snob I guess, so I have high expectations!) from what I hear I don't think I'll be disappointed. I'm excited!
Last weekend Jess and Ben and I went sea kayaking and that was a lot of fun! It was the second time I'd been sea kayaking in my life. The first time was also in Maine, with Jess, seven or eight years ago. It was quite an arm workout, especially when there was wind blowing against me, but I think I did pretty well if I do say so myself!
Unfortunately I seem to have developed a cold and sore throat in addition to my seasonal allergies so that's put a damper on the past couple days for me. I think I'm on my way to getting better but let's just say I've gone through two and a half boxes of kleenex in two days. Sigh. I don't even know where I would have caught this cold. And who the heck gets sick in the summer?! I better start feeling better soon. Or else.
Guess that's about it for now. I hope all is well with everyone out there reading this!
Peace and love!
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