Here's a couple photos of my cute little garage-room that I'm living in all summer! What incredible friends I have to let me live in their garage for the summer. So what have I been up to since my epic hiking/camping trip? Well all kinds of random things I guess. Last week was training week at the camp I'll be working at although "training week" is an overstatement. It lasted three days and only a total of about 12 hours. We got lots of first aid training (a review for me, since I recently already got certified, but review is always good I suppose), we got our staff T shirts and awesome jackets with our names on them. We played a game of ultimate frisbee which was my first time. We learned the general rules of the camp, then Friday evening the parents and campers came for an informational meeting for about an hour. In all fairness, I suppose, I was one of only two new people on the entire staff so not a whole lot of training was necessary, plus we were required to watch several hours of training videos online before last week so that took care of a lot as well. Anyways, last week I met with my other three "Junior Leadership team members" and we did some planning and such. Our first group of kids arrive on Tuesday and I think we're ready to go!
Besides work-related things I've just been having random adventures such as the fiasco last night in which there was a chipmunk brought into the house against its will by Jess and Ben's cat, then it took four people and one cat to get the chipmunk to go back outside. I've also started reading the book Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I have been meaning to read this book ever since I heard about it on my Semester at Sea trip almost two years ago. I have lost count of the number of people who have recommended it to me and said I would really enjoy it so it's about freakin time I read it! Previously I was reading Long Way Round by Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman which is a GREAT story about their motorcycle trip around the world. I am currently in the process of watching the TV mini-series of this journey which is just great! They've also got a second journey called Long Way Down which is about their trip down Africa. Both are pretty awesome stories, and I recommend you watch either one (or read the books-although you can't hear Ewan's cute accent if you read the book...) if you are at all interested in travel, motorcycles, adventures, or attractive Scottish men!
Another hobby I have picked up as scratching and counting mosquito bites, as I seem to have hundreds. I even had one on the palm of my hand for a while. How does that even happen?! Maine seems to be the land of not only vacation and pine trees but also of mosquitos. Yikes! Oh, and speaking of hobbies, I've been working on my slacklining skills which is starting to pay off! Yay! Someday I'll see about taking a short video of me traversing the line.
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