2011 has been done and gone for almost 2 weeks already?! Before it's too far in the past to remember, I want to try an exercise in remembering all the ups and downs of the year that's passed. In no particular order, here's what I've got...
In 2011 I...
-met a totally amazing guy, then a couple weeks later got to be his girlfriend :-)
-traveled to Maine, Oregon, Washington, and California (also brief, accidental mini-adventures in Boston and Texas)
-turned 24
-moved twice
-lived in Denver
-discovered zumba
-attended two weddings of childhood friends
-ran around the beach on both coasts
-completed my 12th Bolder Boulder
-learned how to make, sell, and appreciate wine
-worked four different jobs (sometimes at the same time!)
-did a lot of slacklining
-saw the Avett Brothers, Iron & Wine, the Head and the Heart, and Alexi Murdoch in concert
-got to be in the same room as James Franco
-worked two paid and one volunteer photography jobs
-reunited with long lost relatives
-learned to snowboard
-had the worst travel experience involving airplanes, delays, missed flights, and Texas that you can possibly imagine
-survived the above travel experience
-made lots of new friends
What does 2012 have in store for me? Here's what I've got so far (some are confirmed, some are hopefuls)...
-anniversary/valentine's day/awesome trip to NYC with Anthony next month
-celebrating 1 year with said boyfriend :-)
-more photography jobs?
-photography classes to improve those skills!
-more snowboarding (more skills to improve)
-another big trip later in the year...road trip around the west coast/Canada? Europe? Japan? Not sure yet.
-getting better at budgeting and saving my money
P.S. Here's another song I can't stop listening to right now:
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