This guy loves money. He even has money glasses. He probably bought them, spent money on something as silly as money glasses! This guy is ridiculous. Something I really hate is money. Not just because I don't have any (although I don't) but because of the way our culture has shaped itself around it and become reliant on it for status, survival, respect, and success. When I was growing up my mom used to say to me "Live simply, so that others may simply live" and as I have gotten older I have come to rely on this saying to remind myself that there are some things I just plain don't need. Look at all the stuff we have in the world. It's insane! So much junk that's completely useless. Why does a family of five need five cars? And why do some people have to take the bus or the subway for hours every day to get to their crappy jobs while some of us have personal drivers to get to our office a few blocks away? If I may, I'll throw out a sociological term conflict theory. Karl Marx decided that it is inevitable that societies have conflict. It's part of what makes it a society. So is it inevitable that some people have way too much and some people don't have enough? Probably. But I still hate it. Sometimes disliking something doesn't need to be based on an ability to change it, but we can at least do our parts to try to be aware of the exponentially growing gap between the rich and poor. Maybe we can go through our closets and garages and basements and storage units full of junk and get rid of a little bit. If this junk is going to exist, why not at least put it to use by someone who would otherwise not have a computer or a coat or pair of shoes??

Thanks for the reminder of what's important in Life...and what's not important. Carry on, dear Sociologist!