Inspired by a friend's recent blog I've decided to take a look at all the little things in my life that make me happy and make me smile on a daily basis! Lately I've been thinking about how I'm really quite happy with my life right now. I'm in the sort of limbo right now because I've just graduated college but I haven't moved on to a "real job". I am still working at my work-study job on campus, but I'm no longer a student. I'm waiting for the next chapter of my life but I don't quite want to leave behind the old chapter. In a time of such indecision and uncertainty I've still found some joys in where I am in my life. I can look forward to the future without yet worrying about the responsibilities and issues the future will bring. I can plan anything in the world as the next chapter of my life. Anything at all! What a wonderful feeling to have no responsibilities anymore/yet! I can go to work and not care about the job because I know my last day is only a few weeks away, I can go out with my friends, see movies, go to the gym, hone my hobbies, have time to myself because I know good friends are not far away so I don't have to feel lonely, I can learn to cook things, and make plans for my future. And besides all that....spring is on it's way, I can feel it! Spring is my absolute favorite and it makes me so happy and it also causes The Beatles' song "Here Comes The Sun" to play in my head constantly :-)
Other things that make me happy and make my smile:
-The Beatles
-random holidays and festivals like Frozen Dead Guy Days
-reading the blogs/emails of my friends who are studying and traveling abroad right now
-pajama pants
-Cadbury eggs
-personal emails and letters
-the smell of rain
-the satisfaction of conquering a new song on my violin
-pay day
-a book that makes me laugh
-planning a trip (studies show it's the planning of a trip, more than the trip itself that makes people happy, isn't that weird?! I say if you plan the trip right, you can also find happiness in the end result)
-visiting or being visited by friends
-VW buses
-Knowing that no matter where I go or what I do in my future I will always have my roots, childhood, memories, and home in the beautiful and amazing place that is Boulder
-I'll add more later :-)