Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Anyone else been watching the olympics? I've seen several, but not all the events. I'm liking the figure skating and snowboarding the best. Here's something for a good laugh:

Friday, February 19, 2010

New Photos From a Very Old Camera

I finally took my Grandpa's old Rolleicord camera out with some black and white 120 film and attempted to take some pictures! They aren't spectacular but my hope is that as I get better at using the camera, the photos will get better.
See the pictures here:

Monday, February 15, 2010

You Still Work Here?!

I hope everyone had a happy Valentine's Day!

I'm getting very restless with my life right now. I'm trying to enjoy my time but I just don't have much going on right now and I can't help but feel like I'm just waiting for more exciting things to begin. With an end in sight to my work-study job on campus, the menial work seems a lot more boring than it ever did before. And with no homework to keep me busy I have to keep finding new movies to watch or things to do online or books to read. I guess it's nice though to have the time to read books again! I'm reading Three Cups of Tea right now. I'm finally getting around to reading it after seeing the author Greg Mortenson speak at the Journey of Hope benefit/concert thing last summer at Red Rocks. He's got a cool story and it was fun to see him in person and now I'm reading his book so that's fun! I'm ready to move on from this job though and see what else is out there in the world soon!

Random things going on lately:

-A friend of mine from middle school was on MTV's America's Best Dance Crew last week. It was so cool to see her on tv! She's a pretty freakin' amazing dancer. I've never watched the show but since I knew someone on it and they were representing good old Colorado I just had to watch :-) The episode is here:

-My new project, although it's proving a lot more difficult than I thought it would, is to learn the violin part to Bob Dylan's song 'One More Cup of Coffee'. Mostly it's good because it gives me something to do but I've got a couple friends who can duet the song and it might be fun to play along with them. We'll see if I can actually keep motivated to learn the whole song. As of right now I've got about the first 30 seconds of the song figured out. If only they made sheet music for Bob Dylan songs! As it is though it's a matter of adjusting the song via Audacity to slow it down and isolate the violin part so I can actually hear it, then meticulously go through each little bit and try to find the notes that are being played, then put it all together, speed it up and memorize it. If only I were a musical genius and learning something by ear came easier to me! Oh well I guess it will be a nice challenge for me. I miss playing the violin so it's fun to pick it up again. Unfortunately I live in an apartment and I fear my neighbors might hate me if I practiced at home, so I've been playing at my mom's house.

-I've been continuing my contemplation of what to do after this summer. My new idea is to travel and work/volunteer as I go. I really want to go to Europe, as I haven't been there at all yet. Preferably England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Spain, Czech's a long list. I did find a cool program though that hooks travelers up with volunteer work in exchange for food and a place to stay. Doing things like helping out on a farm or vineyard or B&B. I think that would be so much fun and a much cheaper way to travel around! I'd have to pay for transportation but that's about it. Those travel/work/volunteer websites are: and

On Saturday Kira and I went up to Nederland to have another of our picture-taking adventures. It was cold and snowing up there but it was fun. I finally tried out my Grandpa old Roleicord camera with the help of Kira and all her photographic knowledge that I seem to have forgotten in the last few years. I got a refresher course in f-stop and shutter speed, plus just the act of loading, winding, and removing film is kind of a lost art for me, ad especially tricky with a camera from the 1950s! It will be interesting to see how the pictures turn out. I also took pictures with my digital camera.