Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Oh, Snow!
It seems to be winter now...we're having quite the blizzard today! CU even closed down for the day, which almost never happens! All other schools in Boulder were closed all day long but it took CU until 2pm to figure out that the weather is NOT GOOD. It's good news for me because I get to skip work today! Yay snow! So far I don't mind the snow, I'm sure I'll get tired of it eventually but so far it's ok.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Fall meets Winter
We got a few inches of snow last night and today! It was such a beautiful day that I had to go around Boulder taking pictures, like a good photography nerd. I went up to Chautauqua, the cemetery nearby, and drove a little ways into Boulder Canyon. The contrast between the colorful leaves suggesting fall, and the snow suggesting winter was great!
The cemetery I visited to take a few pictures is so pretty and it's got some great old trees. I used to play in the leaves there when I was a kid. Is it weird to have great childhood memories of playing in a cemetery? I find cemeteries kind of peaceful actually. I don't visit them too often but when I do, especially when they're in a really pretty setting, it's kind of nice. I remember playing in the trees and jumping into piles of leaves, and I'm not sure I've been back to that cemetery since I was a kid so it definitely reminded of of those days. I was also reminded of how beautiful Colorado is! Sometimes I get so busy in my life that I forget to look up at the mountains that are right in front of me and just stare at them for a minute. I was glad I took some time to do that today!
More pictures here:
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Welcome to Colorado!
We had our first real snow of the season today. It's pretty early for snow but this was legit, big, fat snowflakes coming down hard and accumulating on the ground! There was maybe half an inch of snow on my car which I had to clean off!
The first snow in Boulder always makes me laugh because I am usually on campus and this year was no exception for viewing the hilarity of the out-of-state freshmen (and some of the out-of-state nonfreshmen who seem to have memories which fail them this time of year) walking around campus in their shorts, mini skirts, flip flops, and every long-sleeved item of clothing they own and donning a look of shock, cold, and confusion on their faces as to why this crazy state of Colorado has snow in early October! They'll all show up to school next week wearing their new winter coats and boots they will buy this weekend once they realize they're in Colorado, which can have snow at nearly any time of year.
The first snow in Boulder always makes me laugh because I am usually on campus and this year was no exception for viewing the hilarity of the out-of-state freshmen (and some of the out-of-state nonfreshmen who seem to have memories which fail them this time of year) walking around campus in their shorts, mini skirts, flip flops, and every long-sleeved item of clothing they own and donning a look of shock, cold, and confusion on their faces as to why this crazy state of Colorado has snow in early October! They'll all show up to school next week wearing their new winter coats and boots they will buy this weekend once they realize they're in Colorado, which can have snow at nearly any time of year.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Highlights of my life lately:
-last weekend Kira and I went for an awesome drive into the mountains with our cameras. We drove on Highway 7 through Allenspark and stopped at St. Malo church to take picture because it's such a pretty area and a very cool looking building. Then we kept going toward Estes Park and right before we got into town we found a herd of elk! 1 male and 30 females, and then 3 other males off to the side which I guess the other male had run off. It's just about mating season so they were bugling which was cool to hear! It was a fun adventure of a day and made for some great pictures!
-Apparently the guy who lived in Katie and my apartment before us did not pay his energy bills so the power company shut off our electricity :-( sad day. So Katie got to deal with all that yesterday while I was at school and then today I called them back since we still had no power this morning...eventually about 24 hours after they shut it off, we finally got our power back on. You kind of don't think about how much relies on electricity until it's gone! I kept flipping the light switch out of habit, forgetting it would do nothing. Sigh. But we got it all worked out fortunately! Ah the joys of renting an apartment.
-The first round of papers and tests have been going on this week and last week so that's keeping me awesomely busy. Haha. I'm just about finished with all that for now though, until the next round which will probably be in early November. I want to graduate already!!!! aaaahhh.
-I've been trying to come up with some "hobbies" I could have after I graduate because it occurred to me that my life won't be filled with reading textbooks and writing papers and studying for tests anymore!! Wow! So I hope I don't get too bored, after all I've been going to school for the last 18 years of my's pretty much all I know myself as: "student". But because of this realization it's led to me thinking "what am I good at?!" and I decided that I should start playing my violin again. I started playing when I was 6 years old but I haven't played much at all since I started college. So...I've started playing every once in a while which turns out is a little tricky after not playing for 4 years but I do surprisingly remember quite a lot of songs. I guess it's sort of like riding a bike! I've lost a lot of my ability to read notes though so I'm hoping to find someone to take lessons from after I graduate so I can get better! What I'd really love to do eventually is join some kind of group because I love playing with other people, I love the sound of me playing my violin surrounded by others playing violins around me. Good stuff. I miss that! I also want to start taking tons more pictures, read books FOR FUN, and go hiking and running more. Hopefully that, and work, will keep me occupied most of the time leaving time for having a social life as well.
Current Songs I love: All My Days by Alexi Murdoch, Opportunity by Pete Murray
Last movie I saw: got Away We Go on netflix the other day, it was SO good and so cute and funny! I highly recommend it.
Book I've been trying to finish reading for over a month: Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer

Inside St. Malo

St. Malo - what a beautiful place for a church!

Elk near Estes Park
-last weekend Kira and I went for an awesome drive into the mountains with our cameras. We drove on Highway 7 through Allenspark and stopped at St. Malo church to take picture because it's such a pretty area and a very cool looking building. Then we kept going toward Estes Park and right before we got into town we found a herd of elk! 1 male and 30 females, and then 3 other males off to the side which I guess the other male had run off. It's just about mating season so they were bugling which was cool to hear! It was a fun adventure of a day and made for some great pictures!
-Apparently the guy who lived in Katie and my apartment before us did not pay his energy bills so the power company shut off our electricity :-( sad day. So Katie got to deal with all that yesterday while I was at school and then today I called them back since we still had no power this morning...eventually about 24 hours after they shut it off, we finally got our power back on. You kind of don't think about how much relies on electricity until it's gone! I kept flipping the light switch out of habit, forgetting it would do nothing. Sigh. But we got it all worked out fortunately! Ah the joys of renting an apartment.
-The first round of papers and tests have been going on this week and last week so that's keeping me awesomely busy. Haha. I'm just about finished with all that for now though, until the next round which will probably be in early November. I want to graduate already!!!! aaaahhh.
-I've been trying to come up with some "hobbies" I could have after I graduate because it occurred to me that my life won't be filled with reading textbooks and writing papers and studying for tests anymore!! Wow! So I hope I don't get too bored, after all I've been going to school for the last 18 years of my's pretty much all I know myself as: "student". But because of this realization it's led to me thinking "what am I good at?!" and I decided that I should start playing my violin again. I started playing when I was 6 years old but I haven't played much at all since I started college. So...I've started playing every once in a while which turns out is a little tricky after not playing for 4 years but I do surprisingly remember quite a lot of songs. I guess it's sort of like riding a bike! I've lost a lot of my ability to read notes though so I'm hoping to find someone to take lessons from after I graduate so I can get better! What I'd really love to do eventually is join some kind of group because I love playing with other people, I love the sound of me playing my violin surrounded by others playing violins around me. Good stuff. I miss that! I also want to start taking tons more pictures, read books FOR FUN, and go hiking and running more. Hopefully that, and work, will keep me occupied most of the time leaving time for having a social life as well.
Current Songs I love: All My Days by Alexi Murdoch, Opportunity by Pete Murray
Last movie I saw: got Away We Go on netflix the other day, it was SO good and so cute and funny! I highly recommend it.
Book I've been trying to finish reading for over a month: Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer
Inside St. Malo
St. Malo - what a beautiful place for a church!
Elk near Estes Park
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